Friday 9 May 2014

Why I love Igorot Men

*Disclaimer- This writer does not claim that she knows everything about the Cordilleran Culture and does not claim to have an absolute knowledge of how Igorots act- this is just her own observation and she does not mean to do any harm to any of the said characters in this blog.

Igorot guys are probably one of the most misunderstood type of men in the Philippines, they are not clearly depicted by the Philippine media and TV shows like teledramas and movies do not do them justice. 

We are just used to film characters of Filipino men who live in Manila or someone who lives in the lowlands...but rarely about someone who lives in the Cordilleras.

Filipinos are used to seeing men  like Rico Yan, Dingdong Dantes or Richard Gutierrez- most of the Filipino male characters in movies are those with foreign blood.

We rarely see any depiction of what an Igorot guy is like- some will even have the notion that Igorot guys just simply chew momma or betel nut and just have red lips or eccentric long hair or are probably described as head hunters by stories that we see from day to day.

While, Yes, chewing momma and having red lips is very much a part of what an Igorot guy is...there is so much more to them...

I am partly Ilokana and although I have an Ibaloi blood- I was not able to  grow up in Baguio or somewhere in the Cordilleras- which means I mostly interacted with men from the lowlands when I was younger- 

Truth be told I had my own set of stereotypes for Igorot men before..whenever my grandmother and I have to ride a bus I often wonder why muscular men who have mud on their shoes ride on the bus or the jeepney wearing this Sagada weaving bag- they actually did not fit in with my idea of what gorgeous is like.

In that past I believe that men look gorgeous if they wear something that was purchased inside a shopping mall or if they have gel on their hair or if they look like the men I see in the movies...but studying in Baguio changed all of this.

I began to see the Igorots in a new light...if before I would not be caught dead hanging out with an Igorot guy because of certain prejudice that has been given to them by people in the lowlands--now I am super proud to claim them as friends.

Someone once told me why do I have crushes on Igorot men? he said it as if having an Igorot guy is something to be shameful about...I have often pondered on this statement-- this guy often told me that Igorot guys are just farmers or farm boys who know nothing about what a cultured and well-mannered society is...

The word " farmers" they degrade a job that is so vital to the existence of society.

I was too young then to defend an idea like this...and I am glad I was able to break this stereotyping as I got older.

In my late 20's I began to realize how wonderful the Igorots are.

Why I love Igorot Men:

Of course not all men with Igorot lineage will act like this, there are always exceptions to the rule. 

But with my  10 years of experience in interacting with them here in  Baguio who have Igorot blood I was able to form a good idea about them.

1. They are hard workers: I like the simplicity of most of my Igorot friends especially the men.

 While living in the lowlands, I was not really used to seeing hardworking guys- most of the men in the lowlands are usually hanging out in the afternoon drinking beer near a sari-sari store- perhaps its the weather.

 I mean no judgement But I have to say that my male friends here in Baguio are hardworking.

 Most of the men in the lowlands are taken care of or spoiled by the women- I hardly see them do any work-most of the time women are the ones who take care of the men...

And while this is not entirely true for  all the households here in Baguio--- because of course we cannot generalize. 

I have observed a clear distinction--using my own life.

Most of my Igorot friends have helped in constructing their own houses. 

If I ask them about the history of how their home were constructed, either they have shared in designing it, or have done some physical work in order to build their house step by step.

They are usually good cooks, they know how to clean and prepare lots of dishes.  

I hardly know of any male friend in the lowlands who can cook a mean pinikpikan or pinapaitan- partly because there are no major dishes that you could associate with men in the lowlands.

But with Igorot men you can name one the Pinikpikan..and most guys I know have been trained to cook this dish.

The Igorots were able to retain unique dishes likes the Pinikpikan- retaining your cultural beliefs does have its wonders.

This is a culture that I have not observed in the lowlands- I hardly here of any classmate of mine who were the ones who worked hard in order to finish their house- many helped their parents pay for their house but they will rarely attest to building the structure using their bare hands.

I also know that most of my Igorot friends in College have tried farming one way or the other-- again- not everyone.

But there were a lot of them who know how to plant trees, how to cultivate plants- some have experienced working in the field- and I felt that this was a good training on their part.

I know of some who know how to do sculptures, some of them have tried creating their own necklaces- necklaces that were either weaved or crafted using bones of snakes, pigs and other animals that they fancy.

2. They have a good taste in music- I have lived in the lowlands for quite some time, but have never experienced exchanging music with the men there. 

We seem to have a generic  music- the music that we listen to in the lowlands are mostly just what we hear in the radio.

I was surprised to know that most of my male friends who have Igorot blood know how to play the guitar.

It is rare if they don't know how to play any musical instrument...perhaps its the weather- 

I also did have male friends in the lowlands who can play musical instruments but I hardly see them get addicted on something that is related to music.

Upon several discussions with male friends here I have observed that they have certain recommendations on which artists should I listen to.

I was introduced to several artists that I have not even heard of- bands that playtheatrical rock and musicians that are  have not even been heard of in the mainstream scene.

I also have observed that most of them like rock music- or like the music of Mr. Big, Metallica, Nirvana...something that others would consider as complex music with complex lyrics... 

3. They are simple:

They can just wear a simple white shirt and still look amazing. 

They really don't need to try hard...

 I really have not observed my male friends in Baguio pondering too much on labels of the clothes that they wear. 

They just wear whatever they see in the closet- this I don't care attitude has endeared them to me.

And I love this simplicity.

Most Igorot males don't mind wearing second-hand clothes or clothes that someone gave them... they don't make too much fuss about the clothes on their back.

 They also have this habit of sharing their jackets to friends.

When they see a good looking jacket they ask their friend to lend it to them for a certain time-some just ask their friend to give it to them...there are stories that come  along with the jacket. 

I really prefer this simple way of clothing- and I wish this will be retained. 

Because it is so much easier to value guys who don't care about brands-- they care more about how you treat people, how you treat them and who you are...

There is no need to buy expensive shades and do all that weird stuff with their bodies. 

I love the simplicity of Igorot men. They simply don't get easily affected by what they see on TV...They dance to their own tune---and that is what I love about them the most. 

 Although of course there are some who commit the mistake of wearing shirts that are too small for them once in a while..there are still those who amaze me with their sheer I don't care attitude.

4. They are intelligent

I know a lot of Igorot men who have read a lot of books...they are critical- they don't easily get persuaded. 

Most of my classmates with Igorot lineage are  really deep thinkers.

You cannot persuade them to do certain things just because you want it done- you don't see them kissing the ass of their politicians--although of course there are those who do--i can't generalize as I have said.

But if i were to count the number of intelligent Igorot men that I know-- I would most certainly be able to give a lot of names on the list.

They are also surprisingly good writers, they debate well--to the point of sophistication.

5. They are literally gorgeous-

Because they live in the mountains, most of them would have a sturdy and strong physique. They will also be stronger than the average Filipino guy.

Most of them have muscular built when they were younger and they also age better than most men in the Philippines.

Perhaps its the intense work, or the genetic factors--I don't really know.

 Most of the Igorot males I know are tall, can carry a lot of heavy items- can work very well and can really throw a punch.

I don't like to discriminate of course there are other Filipino males who look amazing, I am just saying--Igorot males have their own charm.

They also have unbelievably broad shoulders and most of them will have this chiseled face profile. Most of them can also carry the long-hair do. 

In fact, they will absolutely look gorgeous with long hair- they will look good as a mestizo or as a moreno...

* Of course you don't have to agree with the things that I have said...this is just the way I see things and not necessarily the truth.

 But this is how I see them and this is how I would always like to see them. 

1 comment:

  1. so...true and I am a fan of igorots wether they are pure blooded or half blooded ..actually many igorots are successful and leaders inside and outside of our country and also most of champion athletes came from them..
    that's why i choose ro marry an igorot and our relationship is doing well ..we are blessed with Foir childrens and we're active in CCF Church here in Baguio..
    by the way thankyu for your effort po o really apreciate๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘...
