Monday 21 October 2013

The Men You Marry Vs. The Men You F*ck

 This article I found online immediately got my attention.
It was created by way of sarcasm but I have decided to borrow but change the title a bit. What if women are going to be the ones to create their own criteria.

The article seemed to suggest that there are those women you are just going to have sex with and there are women whom you are going to marry.

I did not like the idea truth be told, . So I just decided to get even and create my own set of list just like what the writer did and hope that men reading this will understand the difference and the changes the society is undergoing at this very moment.

The Criteria of Choosing the Men You Marry Vs. The Men You F*ck--because we are no longer in the Middle Ages--women earn their own money now, they rule countries, pass laws and continue to be top performers in any field they are in.

According to the article this generation is full of women with myriad personalities and characteristics, each of this women have their own story, which makes her truly unique. ( As if women in the past have not been unique in anyway...)

As a man you will encounter a lot of women along the way according to the author, much like women. Women will encounter countless of men all over the world including those that have online profiles on dating sites.
Some of them will be a complete waste of time and money, while there are others who will prove to be valuable..

After several years of dating, making-up, breaking up and just plain old screwing around, comes a point where a woman decides its the right time for her to settle down and to start a family. The Problem isn't settling down, the problem is finding a suitable partner. With the pool of suitable men  at an all time low, it is getting harder to find the right partner. 
There is a need to distinguish between the men you just bang and the men you marry. Since this is a pressing issue in our generation I have decided to  take the time to help you distinguish between the is a guide to help you distinguish the types of guys you just bang then reject and men you actually accept and marry.

1. The boy you bang hates kids and never wants to be around them.

Because women who like to get married need to have actual men who are willing to take care of children, and not the ones who are so addicted to computer games.

There are a lot of men so addicted and glued to their computer games, some men in Japan have even married anime characters online and have marriage certificates to prove that. If you seriously want to have a great marriage, avoid men who hate kids and have never tried taking care of one.

The man you marry must be great with kids, because unless he does not want them he is immediately selfish.

( See? this article from Elite Daily had the audacity to tell that people who don't want kids are just selfish...but has it ever considered that some men and women would rather not have kids because they have so much to accomplish in life?..

.Marriage is not in fact just about having kids, marriage is about two people wanting to work things out in life and understanding another person except themselves. If marrying was just for pro-creation then chances are it would just be for creating babies and not experiencing the love that can exist between two people--seriously)

2. The boy you bang has never cooked a meal in his life and just expects someone else to cook every day for them.

According to the writer of Elite Daily the girl you bang has never cooked a meal in her life and she expects to eat out every day. I am wondering why some men feel that they can obligate women to cook for them for the rest of their life just because they already got married?

Seriously? you are in a modern world already, women can choose to create a home cooked meal or get a take-out dinner if that would save her time.

Men have to adjust in this modern society,  they can't expect women to cook and do the chores all the time, they have to pull their own weight.If  men expect women to cook all of the time and prepare their meals...they don't want a partner--they want a service maid.

Women are too busy nowadays on their career, bringing the bacon so to speak. If husbands have the time to cook--they should. If some men still believe that you marry a woman so that she can cook for him every day...he is seriously out of this world.

Men...learn to adjust...we are living in a modern world. Marriage is partnership, the husband and the wife can choose to cook for their loved ones or can choose to have a take out. Period. It should not be the criteria of who you will marry. It's too shallow.

3. The man you bang is high maintenance and is not one bit domesticated
( Response to: The girl you bang is high maintenance and is not one bit domesticated)

Men like this feel very entitled and they expect you to coddle and to take care of them just like their parents did. These types of men are high maintenance and they make for horrible husbands in the long run. No one likes to deal with someone who only asks for sex, but never gives anything in return.

Don't marry a man who does not even know how to wash dishes, how to fix the plumbing and how to drive a car. If he is not one bit knowledgeable on domesticated life--drop him.

4.  The man you marry is domesticated enough and understands that marriage is all about team work:

What is a marriage if you constantly have to take care of your  partner? A man who knows her part has no problem pulling his own weight is husband worthy. This will make the  experience worth your while. Now this doesn't mean you go  around making your husband clean up after you, but if he wants to live in a clean home, you both need to be able to do your part. This means the man must know how to do the dishes and do the laundry and not sit and just watch television all day while asking for beer- get it?

5. The man you bang is an attention-hungry social climber.

Men like this make horrible husbands, as they will only marry for status and once they find someone of a higher status, they are out the door. Men of this nature have high divorce rate, but we can't knock their hustle, as all this divorces have gotten them ranked on Forbe's list.  

( If you think women are the only gold-diggers and social climbers in this society...think again...lots of women are already self-made millionaires and a lot of young men who are gold diggers by nature will naturally gravitate towards them...--the world has changed.)


The man you marry couldn't care less who he’s with as long as he’s comfortable and not disrespected.

If you find a  man who is comfortable in any social setting and isn’t on the constant prowl to climb the social ladder, then you have found a gem. A man like this will stick by your side no matter what, just so long as he is comfortable and doesn't feel disrespected. This is a man that you need by your side as he is here to stay for the long run. Who wants to deal with a social climber that requires constant maintenance and the stress of him leaving you if you don’t meet his social demands?

Who needs a man who will immediately divorce you if he found a sexier and younger woman just because he can?

7. The man you bang has no intention of ever getting a job.

Pretty much explanatory...if he is going to be broke for the rest of his will you expect him to raise a family?

No healthy marriage can be fostered by a man who doesn’t pull his own weight. If he has had more girlfriends than jobs, then you are in trouble. Be aware that you have a gold digger on your hands and he has no problem hanging out near the television all day, drinking beer and gambling with this friends while you are working hard to put food on the table. To him this is normal life and there is a high probability that he hasn’t had a real job ever and doesn’t plan on having one any time soon.

8.The man you marry wants to have a career he enjoys.

If  your husband is enthusiastic about working, then you have struck gold. This shows that he understands responsibility and that you guys are a team. He will never leave you to fend for yourself. Although no one is forcing him to get a job, he does it under her own free will, which is truly a testament to the kind of man he is.


Of course this is a satire, for those who will take this literally I will repeat it again this is a Satire. A sarcastic way of  putting things.

The world cannot be simplified in just 8 statements especially marriage and choosing a partner, next time you agree with any post about choosing women to marry and women to fuck think again.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Na-Freddie Aguilar ka ba?

On October 17, 2013, Aguilar openly admitted, in spite of the controversy that followed, that he is in a relationship with a 16-year-old girl, with plans to marry and even have children, as his partner insisted that she is willing to have a baby.

“ I wonder if the 16-year old girl has a complete understanding of what motherhood is and what it entails-and I ask myself what kind of life their future children would have if they will continue this”….

October 17, 2013 is the day he changed the meaning of his internationally acclaimed song " Anak". I guess the biggest problem that he has encountered here is that Freddie Aguilar is a Pinoy Rock Icon,

He is considered to be a strong activist who writes songs that pertain to justice ----you can safely say he was sort of the " Bob Marley" icon of the Philippines until he openly admitted to dating a 16 year old and even plans to marry her. He was wrote songs that pertained to “ justice”…is there any justice to what is happening here?

Don't get me wrong, I am for free love and acceptance.

 I even support Lesbians and gay rights...I am one of those who would willingly defend the right of people to fall in love and be with the person they want despite their sexual orientation.
 If the girl was 23 years old I will not react--but we have a different case here...we have a 16 year old girl who barely knows what marriage life is.

Our biggest issues here are that Ka Freddie Aguilar was dating a minor, the sad thing here is that some people believe that what he has done should be accepted by the society--to them its a form of me it is pure selfishness.

If she ever gets married and have children…the children of Freddie Aguilar how would she face this as a 16 year old girl?

A 16 year old girl is most probably just a first or second year college student  who most likely has no idea what life is all about. She should be in school right now, she should be hanging out with girls her age.

 After her graduation she should be traveling right now to different places to understand more and she should be thinking about how she will be sustaining herself--how she will get promoted in her job...But No...right now...her biggest worry is not getting pregnant, her biggest challenge would be how to understand a guy who is in an alternate reality--her grandpa.

When I was 16, my world was not focused on creating a baby with a 60-year old guy...when I was 16  was focused on studying and participating in various school activities like joining our school paper or watching my friends audition for the Glee Club.

This is supposed to be a time for learning, for progressing, for understanding. We are living in a modern society where women can have a say at the kind of life they want--but how will she do this when she will rely on the income of Freddie Aguilar---( if his family would be willing enough to support any child she will bear in the future)

  Freddie Aguilar has stated that the parents of the girl has consented to the relationship--I am thinking that the family of this girl is poor and would willingly sell their daughters to a guy who can probably offer them a better life.

A number of Filipino families are still doing this to their daughters, it's not documented and it is not as excruciating compared with Indian women who are sold into marriage at the age of 7 but nonetheless it is still painful to hear.
 It has the same impact on the girl who is forced to marry just to survive, this is something that should not be happening right now… but why are women still forced to marry just so their families will have something to eat at the end of the day…

This 16 year old girl might think that this is her free will and her idea…but is it really?  Can a 16 year old girl understand what she has entered into at this fragile age?

In the past I have met 14 to 17 year old girls forced by their parents to work as a prostitute, this story is not new. 
These girls come from Bicol  most of the time--( I am not saying all girls from Bicol are prostitutes or that everyone from Bicol has this mentality--just to be safe.)

But for personal observation a lot of these women are being forced into prostitution or marriage to a rich old guy just so the family can sustain their lives. Forcing your kids to marry a rich guy just so you can have a better life is still prostitution and abuse.

If you will notice the picture of Freddie Aguilar and the 16-year old girl you would think the girl tried to look older than her age..which means these was probably the idea of her parents in the first send her to places where she would meet old rich men whom she can ask money from.

Without a proper education...women would be forced to adapt to this kind of lifestyle. Guys like Freddie Aguilar would think that they are providing love by giving this girl money and marrying them...but in many ways they have participated in corrupting the chances of this girl to understand more about what she wants from life.

Right at this very moment, she might already be pregnant...pregnant at the age of 16. In the olden times, this practice would have been accepted in society due to lack of opportunities...but times have changed...

Others say it is love...for me it is pure domination and selfishness of an old guy who has the money. He has the money to charm girls who are not able to go to school and who don't know any better about life.

I hope that everyone who said it is alright ...will look at their own daughters and nieces one day...I hope they will have the courage to tell me that it is ok for their daughters to marry and get pregnant with a 60 year old guy--may they be able to tell that it is about love and not money... may they be able to tell me it is out of love and not lust.

To me the topic of love is out of the question here, you will not hurt the chances of a person you love. You will allow them to grow--you will allow them to understand the world better. 
Love is not about domination or control.

Freddie Aguilar can claim that he loves that girl and he can provide her with all the material things she could ever want and some people will believe it is for the best.

But it is not in any way changing the fact that an Innocent Girl has been corrupted. Yes Innocent. She is 16...even a 26 year old woman like me is still learning about what life means.

I mourn for the innocence corrupted. I mourn for the fact that some people can call the corruption of innocence as Love.